Why Inferior Paints Cost You More in the Long Run: The Value of Quality

Sep 6, 2023

When it comes to painting your home’s interior, you might think all paints are created equal. A simple trip to a home improvement store will quickly disabuse you of that notion. At ReColor by Delagrange, we understand the complexities of choosing the right paint for the job and why inferior products can cost you in the long run.

The Problems with Inferior Paints

  1. Poor Coverage: Lower-quality paints often require more coats for adequate coverage, meaning you’ll use more paint than initially expected. This negates any cost savings you hoped to achieve by opting for a cheaper product.
  2. Fading Colors: Lower-end paints are notorious for fading, especially when exposed to natural light. Your walls can look old and dull far sooner than you’d like.
  3. Durability Issues: Cheaper paints are less resistant to everyday wear and tear. You’ll find yourself dealing with scuffs, marks, and even peeling much sooner than you would with a high-quality product.
  4. Longer Drying Times: Inferior paints often take longer to dry, extending the time required to complete your painting project and delaying your return to normalcy.
  5. Unpleasant Odor: Lower-quality paints can emit a stronger, lingering odor that can be bothersome and may even necessitate vacating the home until the smell dissipates.
  6. Environmental Concerns: Many cheaper paints have higher levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are not only bad for the environment but can also affect air quality in your home.

Benefits of Superior Paints

  1. Exceptional Coverage: Higher-quality paints often cover in one or two coats, saving time and requiring less material for the job.
  2. Color Longevity: The colors stay vibrant and true over time, with excellent resistance to fading.
  3. Durability: High-quality paints are designed to withstand daily life, from fingerprints to minor bumps and scrapes, making them ideal for high-traffic areas like living rooms, guest rooms, or that room your kids just vacated.
  4. Quick Drying: Better paints dry faster, allowing you to move furniture back and get on with life more quickly.
  5. Low or No VOCs: Many premium paints are formulated to have low or zero VOCs, making them safer for your family and the environment.
  6. Better Overall Experience: When your paint goes on smoothly, covers excellently, and stands up to daily life, you’re simply going to enjoy living in your home more.

In the Fort Wayne area, we know you have choices when it comes to who you’ll trust with your home’s aesthetics and care. At ReColor by Delagrange, we promise not only expert application but also guidance in selecting the best products for lasting beauty and function. Contact us directly at 260-222-6990 or request a free no hassle quote at ReColor Indiana to learn more about why the paint you choose matters.