Color Selection Mastery: Re Color by Delagrange’s Guide to Choosing the Perfect Paint

Oct 19, 2023

Ever stood in front of those paint swatches at a store, feeling both excited and overwhelmed? With a plethora of shades from sunlit yellows to calming blues, the choices can be dazzling. But worry not, for Re Color by Delagrange is here as a guide to navigate through the sea of colors, ensuring that each room in your home tells a story that’s truly you.

Understanding Room Function – The Starting Point:
Every room has a soul. The kitchen, often the heart of the home, might need a lively vibe, while a bedroom, your sanctuary, might beckon softer, calming shades. By understanding a room’s function, you set the stage for the perfect color story. Is it a room for relaxation, entertainment, work, or maybe a blend of these?

Let There Be Light… Or Not:
A crucial factor, often overlooked, is lighting. The same Sherwin-Williams paint can look vastly different under natural sunlight, compared to room lighting. North-facing rooms, often drenched in cooler, softer light, might call for warmer shades. Conversely, a south-facing room, basking in sunlight, might benefit from cooler tones.

Decor Speaks Louder than Words:
Your room isn’t just walls – it’s an ensemble. The existing decor, from your grandmama’s vintage lamp to that chic coffee table, all play a role. Aim for harmony. An ornate, patterned rug might call for muted walls, allowing it to shine, whereas a minimalist setting might give you the canvas to experiment with bolder wall shades.

Expert Tips from Re Color by Delagrange:

🎨 Consult the Experts: Our team at Re Color by Delagrange isn’t just about selling paint; we’re about crafting experiences. Lean on our expertise.

🎨 Inspiration is Everywhere: The beautiful outdoors, a cherished memory, or even your favorite scarf can be the starting point. Color isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s emotion.

🎨 Be Bold but Balanced: It’s your space, and if you want that electric blue wall, go for it! Just remember to balance it out with neutral decor or furnishings.

The art of color selection is a delightful dance between room function, lighting, and decor. It’s about finding a hue that resonates, creating spaces where memories are made. And with Re Color by Delagrange by your side, equipped with top-notch Sherwin-Williams paint, you’re set for a journey that’s as delightful as the destination.

Ready to embark on this colorful journey? Let’s make your home dreams come true, one hue at a time!