Your Personalized Guide to Paint Perfection with Re Color by Delagrange

Oct 22, 2023

Hello, Fort Wayne homeowners! We understand the intricate dance of choosing the right paint shade for your home. It’s an art, a passion, and sometimes a wee bit of a conundrum, right? Enter Re Color by Delagrange, your neighborhood Sherwin-Williams Pro+ painting maestros.

You see, every room tells a story and holds a sentiment. The wall color? That’s the soul of the story. And that’s precisely why we’re keen on customizing and fine-tuning our approach for each space, considering its heartbeat (function), lighting nuances, and the existing treasures (decor) it holds.

Living Rooms – It’s the heart of your home. Looking for timeless serenity? Neutrals like beige or gray are your allies. Craving a dollop of drama? Dive deep into rich blues or vibrant greens.

Bedrooms – Your sanctuary should be soothing. Think soft blues or peaceful grays. For a dash of opulence, jewel tones or metallic hues can elevate the vibe.

Kitchens – Complement your decor. Whites, creams, and light grays are evergreen choices. An accent wall or a colorful kitchen island? Now that’s a culinary style statement!

Bathrooms – Turn them into personal retreats! Soft blues or light greens evoke spa feels. Crisp whites offer freshness, while playful accessories or art can jazz up the ambiance.

While we’re painting this picture, let’s not forget the science of lighting. The sunlight’s dance and your chosen bulbs can transform paint shades. Your room’s direction, the sun’s intensity, and artificial lights play pivotal roles. Trust us to decode this and suggest shades that bask beautifully in your home’s lighting.

And of course, the symphony of existing decor can’t be overlooked. Your cherished furniture, the art that speaks to you, the floor that grounds you – we’re here to ensure the paint shade marries these elements in harmony.

Our allegiance to Sherwin-Williams paints is rooted in their legacy of quality. Their spectrum of shades, their resilience, and their eco-commitment ensure your walls don a mantle of beauty, sustainably.

Painting it Simple: Key Takeaways

  • Channel the room’s spirit and desired ambiance.
  • Shine a light on the room’s natural and artificial lighting.
  • Marry the paint shade with existing decor for a harmonious tale.
  • Invest in trusted brands like Sherwin-Williams for enduring elegance.
  • Prioritize washability, coverage, and earth-love in your paint choices.

Choosing Re Color by Delagrange isn’t just about paint; it’s about partnering with a team that values the essence of home. Integrity isn’t just a word for us; it’s our working mantra. From crafting your color narrative to the final brush stroke, we’re in it with all our heart.

Ready to embark on this color-filled voyage? Reach out at 260-222-6990. We promise, it’s going to be a delightful conversation, not a sales pitch. Together, let’s paint your story with Re Color by Delagrange.