Transform Your Home with the Perfect Paint Finish: A Guide by ‘Re Color by Delagrange’

Jan 29, 2024

The Homeowner’s Dilemma

Imagine standing in a well-lit aisle of your local hardware store in Northern Indiana, feeling overwhelmed by the countless paint swatches. You, the discerning homeowner, are on a mission to revitalize your living space. But here’s the catch – you’re torn between the sophisticated, velvety allure of matte and the durable, easy-to-clean charm of satin paint finishes.

The Glossy Truth Unveiled

At ‘Re Color by Delagrange’, we understand this conundrum. Matte, with its 5-10% gloss level, offers a flat, understated elegance. It’s the perfect backdrop for those serene bedrooms and formal dining areas, where the calmness of minimal light reflection complements the ambiance. On the other hand, satin, boasting a 25-35% gloss, shines bright in your high-traffic areas, making cleaning a breeze and resilience its forte.

Let Delagrange Guide You!

As your trusted guide in this journey, we at ‘Re Color by Delagrange’, backed by the unmatched quality of Sherwin-Williams Emerald paint, bring you clarity. Our expertise, born from years of transforming homes across Northern Indiana and beyond, positions us uniquely to offer not just a service, but a transformative experience.

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The Plan of Action

Your home, your sanctuary, deserves the best. Here’s our step-by-step plan to ensure you choose the right finish:

  1. Assess the Room: High traffic and prone to scuffs? Satin’s your hero. Seeking to hide imperfections? Matte’s your ally.
  2. Consider the Lighting: The amount of natural light can dramatically alter the appearance of your paint.
  3. Evaluate the Surface: Remember, the right finish can accentuate the best features of your walls.

Time To Take Action!

Don’t let another day go by with walls that don’t reflect your taste and lifestyle. Call ‘Re Color by Delagrange’ today, and get a free painting price quote. We will come out to your home, assess the lighting and traffic and current scuffs and other indications of traffic and ensure you get the proper paint that is going to stand the test of time while meeting your aesthetic needs too. It’s time to make a decision that will redefine your living space.

Some Helpful Advice

Delay could mean living in a space that’s less than perfect. Those imperfections on your walls, the scuffs and marks – they’ll continue to be a source of annoyance. Getting this project started and done can lead to progress in other areas of your life as well.

The Outcome

Beautiful walls that look smooth and clean. Envision your home transformed – a living room in elegant matte, exuding sophistication, or a bustling kitchen in satin, resonating durability and ease. With ‘Re Color by Delagrange’, your home will not only look stunning but will also embody a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The perfect Winter Color from Sherwin Williams

So Call Delagrange Today at (260) 222-6990

Proudly serving Lower Michigan, Northwestern Ohio, and Northern Indiana, where homes are being transformed, one paint stroke at a time. At ‘Re Color by Delagrange’, we’re not just painting walls, we’re crafting stories, yours included. Choose the right finish, and let’s start this journey together!