Re Color by Delagrange

Commercial Painting

Love Where You Work

Commercial Painting

Transform Your Business Space Today!

At ReColor by Delagrange, we understand the importance of maintaining a professional and inviting atmosphere in your commercial space. That’s why we offer top-quality commercial painting services to transform your business and make it stand out from the competition.


Our Commercial Painting Services

Our team of experienced commercial painters specializes in a wide range of services, including:

  • Interior Painting: From offices and conference rooms to break rooms and hallways, we can refresh and revitalize any interior space. We work closely with you to choose the perfect colors and finishes to suit your business needs and brand identity.
  • Exterior Painting: The exterior of your business is the first thing customers see when they approach your building. Let us help you make a great first impression with a fresh coat of paint. Our team uses only the highest-quality paints and materials to ensure long-lasting results.
  • Industrial Painting: We have experience painting large-scale industrial spaces, including factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants. Our team is equipped to handle the unique challenges that come with painting these types of spaces, such as working around machinery and equipment.


Transform Your Business Space Today!

If you’re ready to transform your commercial space with a fresh coat of paint, don’t hesitate to contact ReColor by Delagrange. We’ll work closely with you to understand your business needs and create a painting plan that fits your schedule and budget. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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(260) 341-5590

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